A prayer about the coronavirus

Heavenly Father, I praise you as the sovereign Lord of the universe. I praise you that, to you, the nations of the world are like a drop in a bucket and like the dust on the scales. I am so thankful to know that you own the cattle on a thousand hills, and that nothing is too hard for you. I thank you that you care for me—that you number even the hairs of my head, and that all the days ordained for me were written in your book before any of them happened.

I thank you that you can be trusted. And I do trust you.

Help me to trust you more.

Thank you that the coronavirus, and all the frightening circumstances popping up around it, are not frightening to you. Thank you that you know everything there is to know about this virus.

Thank you for this desperately needed reminder that we need you. Lord, I confess that I spend so much time thinking and acting as if I were self-sufficient. Forgive me. Help me to remember that I depend on you for everything I need, whether I feel healthy or sick, whether the global economy is healthy or sick. Use this time to teach me to trust you more during good times and bad.

Father, please pour out your common grace on our world to halt this virus in its tracks. All things are possible for you, Father. And so I ask for healing for a sick world.

Please heal those who are already ill. Please prevent the elderly and others who are especially vulnerable to this virus. Please intervene to slow the spread of this virus in countries all over the globe.

Please give wisdom, insight and knowledge to scientists and researchers as they search for the most effective treatments and for a vaccine. Please provide for a vaccine to be quickly discovered, tested, developed, and made available.

Please give wisdom to all rulers and officials who are making vital decisions and who are under such enormous pressure. Guide their hand so they make decisions based on both truth and love. Please withhold power and influence from anyone who would use this time for selfish gain of any kind.

Please be with church leaders making big decisions that will affect so many of your people and their fellowship together. Please give them wisdom on how to best listen to governing authorities and to respect the directions that are given, while still caring for one another and prioritizing the need to encourage one another as we see the day of Christ drawing near.

Wherever regular gatherings are interrupted, please provide ways for your people to stay connected to one another, and please strengthen us to care for one another in creative and genuine ways. Please be especially gracious to those who are already lonely and who may feel particularly isolated during the weeks ahead.

Loving heavenly Father, at a time of great need, please pour out your saving grace on our world and bring people into your kingdom in an extraordinary way.

Please use this virus, and all the circumstances surrounding it, to bring people to their knees. Turn people’s hearts and minds back to you in repentance and faith. Enable us all to see that, for too long, we’ve based on our life on shifting sand. Bring people all over the world – whether for the first time, or in a fresh way – to turn to the Lord Jesus as their Rock, and to put their hope and trust in him.

Thank you that, no matter where we have wandered or how long we’ve run from you, you are always ready to welcome us back through Jesus and what he’s done for us.

Please help me to be strong and courageous, not afraid or discouraged, because you are near. Help me not to be anxious, but to present all my requests to you in prayer. As I do that, may your peace guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

At a time where it feels like the whole world is changing, I praise you, Father – for you never change. I praise you, Lord Jesus, for you are the same yesterday, today and forever.

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